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 Strategic Media Platforms

Our Reach...Your Results!


Cable TV


Cable Television Advertising has become a significant

component of effective marketing campaigns-helping

to successfully target consumers, Build Brands, and Drives

New Sales. Explore the benefits of advertising on cable TV, 

and ways to make it a part of your compelling marketing







On-Line Promotions can be a cost effective way to reach

out to your online consumer.this powerful marketing

vertical will help increase your business by expanding

your reach, targeting, and following your on-line consumer.







Catering to an active/educated mobile demographic. 

We can offer not only recorded commercials but also

"Live Reads". Live Reads are perceived by the listener as

an endorsement of the product or service by their favorite

on-air personality... This adds tremendous value to any

campaign... Talk Radio is flexible, affordable and extremely


Online... Advertising

  • Delivering National Media Exposure... DRTV/Infomercials

  • Promoting Serving especially timed commercials

  • Targeting a specific demographic... Premium Audience

  • Increasing Brand Awareness... Products & Services

Sports Talk Radio

Live Endorsements

Talk Radio 


Mass E-Mail
Text Blasting
"Short Messaging Service"

E-mail and Text Blasting are a critical part of your marketing strategies, keeping your target audience informed. Your customers and future customers love receiving emails or text messages regarding your promotional services, this keeps them updated and informed; daily, weekly, or monthly. Newsletters that peak there interest, promotions they just cannot resist, sent Via: e-mail or text!

Outbound Social Media

Metro Media1

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